Thursday, July 3, 2008

ASCD brief

Educators say arts integration boosts participation, recall
Thanks to their teachers' integration of arts into math, reading, social studies and science class work, students in one Mississippi district became more engaged and bettered their performance. "Every classroom learns better if the arts are part of the learning process. That transcends private school, public school, economics," said Marcia Daft, an arts-based education consultant who taught Greenville, Miss., educators how to incorporate the method with her workshops, funded by a Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts grant. Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, Miss.), The/Delta Democrat Times (6/29)


Worth Weller said...

I'm wondering if this would be easier to read if the text were white? Those are cool images in the sidebar by the way. Is there a method of putting text under them to explain them? Maybe go back to the image command for the sidebar, or maybe there is a heading command, where you could separate the pictures by headings that would explain them? This all takes some noodlng to figure out completely.

Worth Weller said...

thanks - much easier on these 62 year old eyes!!